Sunday, September 16, 2018

Surface Go joins the family!

Well followers, I've recently brought the new Surface Go into the family! I'm using it as my primary device for meetings with customers, while my Surface Book serves as my main power machine for heavy lifting when I'm in the office. It's working great - awesome battery life, perfect weight. The size is nice especially on flights or while reading eBooks.  Stay tuned for more awesome stories, tips and tricks about my Go in future posts!

As a result, you can now also visit this website with a new additional domain name: 

How fortunate am I that the new naming still works with my Bro concept! LOL

In celebration of this new name, as well as what I hope will be a new set of long overdue content, I thought I'd share a great pic I recently took with the help of my Modern Workplace friends at Microsoft!  Enjoy! :)

Wearing a Surface Pro costume at a Microsoft conference in Las Vegas